Why are we here?

"Love is not our duty, its our destiny. Its the language of the new creation, and we get to learn it here" - N.T Wright This quote, in my humble opinion, speaks to a lot of confusion within Christian circles - not to mention the whole of humanity from the dawn of time up until … Continue reading Why are we here?

Die regte tipe ‘brandstof’

Die engelse opskrif van Jesus se groot oproep in Matt 28:18-20 is: "The great commission." Die definisie van 'n "commission" is: opdrag, instruksie, of 'n spesifieke rol vir 'n groep mense. Jesus het presies dit gedoen: Hy het vir sy dissipels die opdrag gegee - "gaan na al die nasies" - met ander woorde: "moenie … Continue reading Die regte tipe ‘brandstof’